CloudCamp Cebu 2012 to shed light on cloud computing

THE importance of cloud computing to information technology storage as well as other benefits to its users will be among the issues to be discussed when the CloudCamp Cebu 2012 takes place July 4 at the Marriott Hotel in Cebu City.

With Cebu City as the only place in the country identified for the holding of the global event, the 200 participants expected to attend it will have a venue to exchange ideas on how to use cloud computing as a tool in protecting their data at an affordable cost.

Hosted by, the CloudCamp Cebu 2012 will also become the venue for the discussion of the types of cloud computing as it can become a service in terms of being an infratructure, a software and a platform.

Partners in holding the event include the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Cebu Education Development Foundation For Information Technology (CEDFIT) and the Junior International Chamber of Mandaue.

The event will gather people familiar with this new technology trend and those who want to know more about it, including companies that have been using the technology in running their businesses, as well as those who intend to tap cloud computing as a service for their businesses.

Aside from the breakout sessions for the discussion of the issues, the daylong event will also be highlighted by the presentation of sponsors as well as socials and networking among the attendees so they can start connecting with those whom they think can provide them with services.

The CloudCamp 2012 in Cebu City is one of the few of such events held outside the US as most of these camps were held in the country with the first being held on March 11 in Austin Texas.

Sponsored by big global technology companies, the CloudCamp, a global event, was conceptualized by those who adopted cloud computing in its infancy so they can have a venue in discussing issues about it. In the camp, participants are provided with the venue for them to about the technologies behind cloud computing.

Organizers of the CloudCamp said it is “an unconference where early adopters of Cloud Computing technologies exchange ideas.”

“With the rapid change occurring in the industry, we need a place we can meet to share our experiences, challenges and solutions,” they added, pointing out that at the event people are encouraged to share their thoughts on issues concerning cloud computing.

Those who have taken advantage of cloud computing have used web browsers or mobile applications in accessing their data which are stored in remote locations, allowing them to do away with bigger services as well making their computer systems run faster because they do not need huge storage facilities.

The concept behind cloud computing is the sharing of resources similar to electricity grid with the Internet serving as its network.

For more information about the event, one can visit
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