Globe gears up for CURE 3G spectrum bidding

Globe Telecom is gearing up to bid for additional network bandwidth after Connectivity Unlimited Resource Enterprises (CURE) has formally surrendered one of its 3G frequencies to the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) in compliance to the regulator’s conditions when it approved the PLDT-Digitel merger deal last year.

CURE and all its remaining assets, including its congressional franchise and 10 megahertz 3G license, has been surrendered to the NTC for bidding.

Now that the formal turnover has taken place, the NTC is set to conduct a competitive auction, allowing prospective buyers like Globe to bid for CURE’s 3G frequency bandwidth.

“We’ve been vocal about our interest to bid for CURE’s 3G spectrum as part of our drive to provide our subscribers with a better network, especially with the growth of smartphones and the explosion of mobile data use,” said Atty. Froilan M. Castelo, Head for Corporate and Legal Services of Globe. We thank the NTC for closely monitoring post-merger activities and ensuring that all agreements have been fulfilled.”

For his part, Globe President and CEO Ernest Cu looks at the divestment of 3G frequencies as a welcome move. "The availability of more 3G frequency is an opportunity for Globe", said Cu. Believing that it can serve customers better than its competition especially in light of the ongoing network modernization and transformation initiatives, the Globe chief executive is gearing up for the anticipated auction. “This won't be easy given the players involved but we'll go for it." 

Globe sustained its growth momentum for 7 consecutive quarters with subscribers now reaching over 31 million.  It is the leader in the postpaid segment and its Tattoo brand is the number one broadband in the country. 
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