World's First Microprocessor -- the Intel 4004 -- Celebratres 40th Anniversary!

World's First Microprocessor -- the Intel 4004 -- Celebratres 40th Anniversary! On November 15, 1971, Intel created the world’s first microprocessor: the Intel 4004. Compared to the 4004, Intel’s current 32nm CPU runs almost 5,000 times faster with each transistor using about 5,000 times less energy. The 4004 consisted of 2,300 transistors and ran at 740 kilohertz. 

Today’s 2nd Gen Intel Core processors have almost 1 billion transistors and achieve frequencies of about 4 GHz. If the speed of cars had increased at the same pace since 1971, it would take about one second to drive from San Francisco to New York .
Intel’s first microprocessor saw the light in 1971. Since then, the PC has been undergoing a transformation to become the phenomenal tool it is today. This year, the humble microprocessor celebrates its 40th birthday, and in light of this incredible development, we would like to share with you a fact sheet on the transformation of the PC, a timeline of the evolution of the microprocessor and photos of Intel microprocessors through the years for your kind consideration.
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