Planned commemorative book on pilgrimage of relic of Saint John Bosco welcomes photos from public

DEVOTEES of Saint John Bosco and the general public will have the chance of becoming part of a planned commemorative book on the pilgrimage of his relic in Negros and Cebu starting December 5 to 23, 2010 by taking relevant pictures on the visit and posting it on a Facebook page.

The relic is scheduled to arrive at the Bacolod-Silay Airport on a special flight on December 5 and brought around Negros Island until December 11 before it will sail on a chartered boat to Santander, Cebu early morning on December 12, 2010. After staying in Cebu for a week, it will be flown to Metro Manila for the northern leg of the relic’s Philippine pilgrimage.

The Philippine pilgrimage is part of the world tour of the relic that began in April 2009 in time for the 150th anniversary of the formation of the Salesians of Don Bosco or SDB. Designed to promote the saint’s work especially for the youth, it is part of the preparations for the celebration of the 200th birth anniversary of Saint John Bosco on 2015.

The commemorative book shall contain information about Saint John Bosco and his works, the pilgrimage of his relic, and a photo gallery of pictures taken by a special team headed by Fr. Fidel Orendain SDB that will accompany the relic starting with the arrival in Silay City until it leaves Cebu City.

PRworks Inc., which has committed itself to undertake the production of the book, is giving devotees and the general public the opportunity to contribute photographs for the pilgrimage commemorative book, said the agency’s managing director Doris Mongaya. Mongaya explained that one can contribute photos for the book by:

1. Going online and searching the Facebook page “Saint John Bosco relic pilgrimage (Negros-Cebu) Photos” and click like.

2. Upload your photos on the Wall. Include relevant information like your full name, contact info, place where the photo was taken, and some background description so we will know the context of the pictures you have posted. Note that the page administrators shall have the authority to delete irrelevant and inappropriate photographs and block those doing so.

3. A team of select photo-journalists shall choose the best 10 photographs posted. These 10 best photographs shall be included in the commemorative book and the ones who took them shall have the privilege of getting a free copy of the book after it is published.

4. The general public shall also have the opportunity to select the photographs they like. The top 10 photographs with most likes shall also be included in the commemorative book and the ones who took them shall have the privilege of getting a free copy of the book after it is published.
5. PRworks is now looking for possible sponsors for prizes for those chosen as the best contributed photograph and another for the photograph with most likes.

“The pilgrimage of the relic of Saint John Bosco is a one in a lifetime event that we intend to preserve. We are excited that today’s technology has provided us with a way to tap public participation for the making of a great commemorative book,” said Mongaya.

The relic is expected to draw huge crowds in the various places it will visit.
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