RAFI puts up belen in museum

The Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc. (RAFI) opened to the public a belen in the gallery of the Casa Gorordo Museum last Dec. 15.

The belen features the antique figurine collection of the Casa Gorordo Museum. It does not only show the Nativity scene but also other significant events that happened before and after the birth of Jesus, such as the Annunciation and the Finding of Jesus in the Temple.

Msgr. Cris Garcia, founder and spiritual director of the Society of the Angel of Peace, blessed and opened the belen.

The belen, a Filipino term derived from the Spanish word for Bethlehem, is a three-dimensional art depiction of the nativity scene of Jesus Christ. It could be a crib or tableau that represents the infant Jesus in the manger surrounded by Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and their flock, and the Three Wise Men.

“The belen in the Casa Gorordo Museum is a manifestation of RAFI’s promise to carry on the house traditions of the Gorordo family,” Dr. Jocelyn Gerra, executive director of the Culture & Heritage unit of RAFI, said.
The Casa Gorordo Museum is the 19th century residence of the first Cebuano Bishop Juan Garces Gorordo. Every year, the Gorordo family would put up the belen as one way of celebrating Christmas.

When RAFI obtained the Casa Gorordo Museum, the Foundation pledged to continue this as well as other house traditions, such as Sinug sa Casa Gorordo where the original sinug dance is rendered as an offering to the Holy Child and to the souls the day after the Feast of the Sto. NiƱo; Semana Santa; and Pista ni San Juan. Through these house traditions, preserved century-old images and caros are showcased and used in processions.

The opening of the belen is timed with the 27th anniversary of the opening of the Casa Gorordo Museum. It was first opened on Dec. 15, 1983. Showcasing 19th and 20th century Philippine lifestyle and architecture of the period, it was recognized as a national historical landmark by the National Historical Institute in 1991.

The belen is open to the public until the end of January.

For more information about the belen, please contact 255-5630 and look for Karl Damayo
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