RAFI holds relief distribution, medical mission to Sambag Uno, Duljo Fatima fire victims

The Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc. (RAFI) conducted a medical mission and relief distribution in Barangay Sambag Uno last Oct. 28 to assist the victims of the Oct. 4 fire that razed almost 90 houses and left more than 100 families homeless.

The medical mission served a total of 179 patients, 94 of whom are children. The fire victims were able to avail of the free medical consultations and medicines.

Dr. Edward delos Reyes, one of the volunteer doctors, found that the common illnesses are cough and colds for children and hypertension among the adults.

Ninety-four hygiene kits containing soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, and other hygiene essentials were also distributed to the families who were victims of the fire.

Around 200 hygiene kits were also distributed by RAFI last Nov. 23 for the families of Duljo Fatima who became victims of the fire that hit their barangay last Nov. 1. The fire burned down 80 houses, leaving almost 200 families homeless.

Medical mission and relief distribution for victims of calamities in Cebu City are among the community extension services of RAFI, through the collaborative efforts of the Office of Humanitarian Relations and Services, Eduardo J. Aboitiz Cancer Center, and Dolores Aboitiz Children’s Fund.
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