Youth Leaders to Gather for a unified Cebu Youth Declaration

The 2010 Youth Statistics released by the National Youth Commission reveals that 27.83 million or around 30% of Filipinos are youth aged 15 to 30 years old. This estimate indicates that a considerable portion of the population is composed of young people who, when given the right training and opportunity, can be promising assets of the country.

The strong concern and involvement displayed by the youth in the recent national election, for example, showed their desire for genuine change and their willingness to contribute to that change. This and the growing number of other youth-oriented, youth-led and youth-supported initiatives in the country suggest a significant degree of social consciousness and vigilance among young citizens today, and the increasing recognition by society of their crucial role in nation-building.

In order to strengthen the involvement of the youth in social development, the Emerging Pinoy Leaders Congress will be conducted on December 18-19, 2010 at Genesis Valley, Cabangahan, Consolacion, Cebu. The Congress will bring together young people from various sectors of society in Cebu to further promote active citizenship, identify shared goals, and foster collaboration towards youth and community development. This is done through knowledge sharing, adventure-based experiential learning approaches, and discussion forums.

The Congress is convened by the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc. (RAFI) and the Aboitiz Leaders of Excellence (ALEx), an organization composed of graduates from the youth programs of RAFI, namely, the Young Minds Academy, Young Minds on Xplore and Kool Adventure Camp. ALEx envisions a pool of proactive youth leaders initiating efforts and advocating change towards nation building by empowering, educating and engaging young people as contributors and advocates for social development.

RAFI, through the Eduardo Aboitiz Development Studies Center (EADSC), guides, supports and provides assistance to ALEx in organizing the Congress. RAFI, being an Architect of Change, aims to elevate the lives of others through a comprehensive approach that champions best practices in community development. Other partners will also be tapped to contribute in various parts and requirements of the program.

Visit the Emerging Pinoy Leaders' Congress 2010 site for more info..!
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